Saturday, February 20, 2021

Film Opening Idea

 As a result of research and brainstorming, we have decided we wanted to create a film opening from a story that we see around us. As juniors and seniors in high school, we are expected to know what we want to do in college or what our preferences are. But, the truth is that most of us really have no idea. People close to me are very close to graduating and do not have a plan on what they would like to do. No idea of college, no idea of hobbies, no idea of passion, no idea on what path to follow.

We took this feeling of not knowing where you stand in the world, and we will try to convey it through our opening. Even though it might seem like a complex theme, I believe it can really make most teenagers feel identified with this topic. Our main genre will be drama as it can be used best to showcase our character's obstacles in life and how he manages them. Drama showcases problems any human can have, hence many high school students can feel identified with this issue as they too might be encountering this: not knowing your role in society or your path in life.

We are still in the process of developing a storyboard and main opening, but we have a basic concept:

The whole plot of the movie will be centered around the main character who is an average, teenage, high school senior. Like any other, our character's high school life was filled with homework, friends, and videogames, but he never really took time to think about his future. After school college seminars and seeing his friends taking important decisions, he notices he has no idea of the decisions he is gonna take or how to even start. As his senior year comes to an end he seeks for help from a friend who will try to do his best to help him out on figuring out his likes. They go on a path of trying things he has never don before to see what he would like. 

Ultimately, he loses hope because due to external reasons his friend is not there anymore to support him anymore. He sets himself on the path his friend believed was the best for him. He gets accepted into college and there are big celebrations from part of his family due to his high school accomplishments and for getting into college. But on the inside "he knows, that he doesn't know." Doubts overflow, is this what I want to do? Are my average accomplishments worth this? Is this the path I want to follow? Maybe I have not gotten to find my passion? What have I done?

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