The film centers around our main character (Peter), with his best friend (Mike). For the characters, we decided that we wanted to create very simplistic people that could be able to relate back to our target audience. As we have our basic idea for the movie, we have centered the characters around it:
Peter Moore:
He is our main character. His high school years were filled with friends, fun, and the constant homework. But, he always had average grades, average classes, and average homework. This resulted on him having good grades, but not really standing out from other class mates.
Like any other high school, Santa Fe High School provides college guidance throughout the four high school years. As an underachiever, he never really bothered to look for any kind of guidance. So, when there is a mandatory college night for all seniors, his doubts and regrets start: "I should have done this earlier" "Where do I start?" and most importantly "What do I even want to do?."
Michael Pike:
(17 years old, high school senior)
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