Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Borderline Storyboard

Story Board

    There were several changes from the last layout of our project. Due to location availability and pandemic, we had to change the first scene setting. From a teacher giving a conference to several students, we have changed it to an actual situation where a teacher will give a Teams Meeting online.
    As a result of this, we had to change the storyline of scene 2 and some of scene 3.
- As the teacher gives the online presentation peter can be seen not paying attention and anxious for the meeting to finish.
- However, once it is over, he is seen regretful of this attitude he has of wanting to play videogames instead of paying attention to something as important as the college meeting.

- Again, due to location conflicts we had to change scene 2.
- The characters now meet up while they walk their dogs instead of while they come home from school.
- Even though the setting changed, the same script will be kept of them talking about Michaels college acceptance and Peter's lack of hope of getting into college.
- Their conversation is disrupted by Peter's dad who calls him to tell him to stop wandering around as he as to do school things. 
- Peter goes home and hangs up the phone.
- Not wanting to do these school things, he starts playing games.
- Michael comes back to tell him that even though his dad is rough on him, he should actually listen and do his work,
- Mike tells him he will be there to help Peter find out what his path onlife is going to be, and to help him correct his past bad steps on this journey.

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