Thursday, March 25, 2021


 Editing has been a smooth process, as we have been editing since after we did the first shooting. But there is still a lot to be done. After shooting the first day, we decided it would be a good idea to edit what we already got. And it was good in fact, as we were able to see what worked and what did not. Or maybe some stuff that we had to fix. Overall, that first edit week was pretty successful.

After the second and third days of shooting, we would not be able to meet up again due to spring break. So, that was our last chance to fix everything we had to. The editing would be done over this week (spring break) which would allow us to take it slow, smooth, and concise with things by doing it over a long period of time, but remaining constant.

At the beginning, we both wanted to edit. The problem was that since I have a school computer in order to have Adobe premiere Pro, me and my partner could not use the "share project" ability of Premier. And we found out really quick that it was not really practical ot be emailing the Adobe project back and forth. I would email what I got done, then it will take time for him to email it back, sometimes the file would get corrupted for some reason, or if I changed it after sending my part, he would receive an outdated version of the project. Conclusion: it was a mess. So, what we did was decided on a single person to keep the project on their computer, which was me. What we would do, is that sometimes we would make a call and I would share my screen with him, so that we both input on the project. We made it work.

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